Statistics and meaning of name Murgociu
We have no records about Murgociu being used as firstname.
Surname Murgociu is used at least 49 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 穆尔戈丘 (pinyin: mù ěr gē qiū)
Given names
Ion Murgociu (7) Pompiliu Murgociu (5) Dumitru Murgociu (5) Alexandru Murgociu (4) Costica Murgociu (3) Mihai Murgociu (2) Manolache Murgociu (2) Lucian Murgociu (2) Gabriela Murgociu (2) Cornel Murgociu (2) Viorel Murgociu (2) Gheorghe Murgociu (2) Dorina Murgociu (2) Vasilica Murgociu (1) Ruxandra Murgociu (1) Sofica Murgociu (1) Irinel Murgociu (1) Ana Murgociu (1) Elena Murgociu (1) Lia Murgociu (1) Mercedes Murgociu (1) |
Murgociu reversed is Uicogrum
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ourimguc Uugicrom
Misspells: Mulgociu Murrgociu Murgocyu Murgocju Murgoceu Murgociua Mrugociu Murgocui Murgoicu
Rhymes: velociu mafiusu
Meaning of name Murgociu is: the same as [Murgoci]
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