Statistics and meaning of name Musendo
We have no records about Musendo being used as firstname.
Surname Musendo is used at least 33 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Sweden)
Given names
Jabulani Musendo (4) Chenjerayi Musendo (3) Irene Musendo (3) Lawrence Musendo (2) Emily Musendo (2) Gibson Musendo (2) Charles Musendo (2) Caroline Musendo (2) John Musendo (2) Angelina Musendo (2) Gabriela Musendo (2) Veronica Musendo (1) Savie Musendo (1) David Musendo (1) Brice Musendo (1) Chalim Musendo (1) Charity Musendo (1) Angeliac Musendo (1) |
Musendo reversed is Odnesum
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Ensudom Enumods Muesond Nosemdu Oumsedn Odunsem Donmesu Edmosun
Misspells: Mussendo Musendoa Msuendo Musenod Musedno
Rhymes: Rosendo Nintendo crescendo decrescendo diminuendo innuendo memento
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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![Europe:3 Europe](/img/Europe-flag.png)
![Zimbabwe:2 Zimbabwe](/img/Zimbabwe-flag.png)
![South Africa:2 South Africa](/img/South-Africa-flag.png)
![Sweden:1 Sweden](/img/Sweden-flag.png)
![Thailand:1 Thailand](/img/Thailand-flag.png)
![Tanzania:1 Tanzania](/img/Tanzania-flag.png)
![Botswana:1 Botswana](/img/Botswana-flag.png)
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