Statistics and meaning of name Muyambi

We have no records about Muyambi being used as firstname.
Surname Muyambi is used at least 26 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Muyambi
Given names
Milliah Muyambi (4)
Tom Muyambi (3)
Anesu Muyambi (2)
Jane Muyambi (2)
Anthea Muyambi (2)
Felicity Muyambi (2)
Naume Muyambi (1)
Spencer Muyambi (1)
Esther Muyambi (1)
Millaih Muyambi (1)
Ibrahim Muyambi (1)
Lawrence Muyambi (1)
Fungai Muyambi (1)

Muyambi reversed is Ibmayum
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Amyubim Amumiby Iumyabm Ibumyam
Misspells: Muyombi Muyamby Muiambi Muyambj Muyambe Muyambia Myuambi Muyamib Muyabmi

Rhymes: Bambi nimbi rhombi thrombi zombie swampy lobby salami

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Godwin says: Muyambi has origins in the Shona language of Zimbabwe
Leanne muyambi says: It means the beginner or the founder,totem is moyo therefore those with the surname moyo and muyambi are family muyambi is a surname of cheiftenship I am proud of my surname not every muyambi is royal but acertain family in a certain area is of royal blood but not noticed qhich will remain that way cause the family dose not like publicity

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