Statistics and meaning of name Muzo

Usage: 19% firstname, 81% surname.
Muzo first name was found 26 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Muzo is used at least 109 times in at least 12 countries.

      Surname Muzo
Given names
Luz Muzo (1)
Edwin Muzo (1)
Manuel Muzo (1)
Olga Muzo (1)
Wilson Muzo (1)
Rosa Muzo (1)
Daisi Muzo (1)
Cristina Muzo (1)
Gracious Muzo (1)
Daphrosa Muzo (1)
Jose Muzo (1)
Joyce Muzo (1)
Carlos Muzo (1)
Arturo Muzo (1)
Benediskt Muzo (1)

Given name Muzo
Family names
Muzo Calamy (1)
Muzo Moloku (1)
Muzo Maloku (1)
Muzo Jose (1)
Muzo Carmen (1)

Surname Muzo in USA   

Muzo reversed is Ozum
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Muoz Mzuo Uzom Omzu Mozu Ozum Ouzm Uzmo
Misspells: Muzoa Mzuo Muoz

Rhymes: Puzo ouzo whoso euro mucho bubo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Thailand Saudi Arabia United Kingdom Canada Algeria Switzerland Palestinian Territory Syrian Arab Republic Netherlands Australia Malaysia France Portugal South Africa Egypt


Books: "Los muzos, un pueblo extinguido"

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or about the origins of this name?
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