Statistics and meaning of name Mvubu

We have no records about Mvubu being used as firstname.
Surname Mvubu is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,South Africa)

Given names
Sibongile Mvubu (2)
Mispah Mvubu (2)
Bongi Mvubu (1)
Patience Mvubu (1)

Mvubu reversed is Ubuvm
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Mvuub Buuvm Uvubm Uvbum Muvub
Misspells: Mbubu Mvubua Muvbu Mvuub Mvbuu

Rhymes: voodoo hoopoe shuju juju tutu

Meaning of this name is unknown.

lungile mvubu says: I would real like 2 know more or the Mvubu's what are they Zulu or Xhosa some say Swati ?
Mvelo Hairman Mvubu says: how did our surname Mvubu came? who was the 1 person called Mvubu? what happened or how him/she was named Mvubu?
Sibusiso flk mvubu says: Mvubus originate from kzn buh quitly we all over da country cause in tyms of war we got scatted some ran away frm us zulu n became xhosa some swati

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