Statistics and meaning of name Naggayi
We have no records about Naggayi being used as firstname.
Surname Naggayi is used at least 18 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Sharifa Naggayi (2) Gloria Naggayi (2) Sarah Naggayi (1) Nabayinda Naggayi (1) Sylivia Naggayi (1) Winifred Naggayi (1) Milly Naggayi (1) Mary Naggayi (1) Josephine Naggayi (1) Joweria Naggayi (1) Kabuye Naggayi (1) Kimali Naggayi (1) Angella Naggayi (1) |
Naggayi reversed is Iyaggan
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Ngaigya Gaaniyg Agigyan Gynigaa
Misspells: Noggayi Naggayy Naggaii Naggayj Naggaye Naggayia Ngagayi Naggaiy Naggyai
Rhymes: clayey gaily regale cagey
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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