Statistics and meaning of name Namiotkiewicz

We have no records about Namiotkiewicz being used as firstname.
Surname Namiotkiewicz is used at least 20 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 纳米奥特凯维奇 (pinyin: nà mǐ ào té kǎi wéi jī)

      Surname Namiotkiewicz
Given names
Marian Namiotkiewicz (2)
Monika Namiotkiewicz (2)
Czeslaw Namiotkiewicz (1)
Irena Namiotkiewicz (1)
Marek Namiotkiewicz (1)
Anna Namiotkiewicz (1)
Julian Namiotkiewicz (1)
Katarzyna Namiotkiewicz (1)
Hanna Namiotkiewicz (1)
Andrzej Namiotkiewicz (1)

Surname Namiotkiewicz in Poland   Surname Namiotkiewicz in USA   

Namiotkiewicz reversed is Zciweiktoiman
Name contains 13 letters - 46.15% vowels and 53.85% consonants.

Anagrams: Okminticzeiwa
Misspells: Nomiotkiewicz Namyotkiewicz Namiotkievvicz Namjotkiewicz Nameotkiewicz Namiotkiewicza Nmaiotkiewicz Namiotkiewizc Namiotkiewciz

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Poland United States Thailand Canada United Kingdom

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