Statistics and meaning of name Naunapper

We have no records about Naunapper being used as firstname.
Surname Naunapper is used at least 16 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Naunapper
Given names
Kai Naunapper (2)
Manfred Naunapper (1)
Roger Naunapper (1)
Sylvia Naunapper (1)
Horst Naunapper (1)
Heinz Naunapper (1)
Bernd Naunapper (1)
Dieter Naunapper (1)
Edmund Naunapper (1)
Dietmar Naunapper (1)

Surname Naunapper in Germany   

Naunapper reversed is Reppanuan
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Aranpepun Nanuprepa Pupaernan
Misspells: Nounapper Naunappel Naunapperr Naunappera Nuanapper Naunappre Naunapepr

Rhymes: backslapper clapper dapper flapper handicapper kidnapper mapper supper mutter rubber cutter

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Naunapper says: Naunapper in Germany ist abgeleitet vom Beruf Nonnenmacher
Naunapper says: die sächsische Variante

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Thailand Poland France


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