Statistics and meaning of name Nazdraciov

We have no records about Nazdraciov being used as firstname.
Surname Nazdraciov is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (Moldova,Romania)

Given names
Galina Nazdraciov (3)
Victor Nazdraciov (3)
Constantin Nazdraciov (2)
Carp Nazdraciov (2)
Aurelia Nazdraciov (1)
Ana Nazdraciov (1)
Boris Nazdraciov (1)

Surname Nazdraciov in Moldova   

Nazdraciov reversed is Voicardzan
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Drancaoviz Vdonzaraic Ocirnadazv
Misspells: Nozdraciov Nazdlaciov Nazdrraciov Nazdracyov Nazdraciob Nazdracjov Nazdraceov Nazdraciova Nzadraciov Nazdracivo Nazdracoiv

Rhymes: gratiose crustaceos

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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