Statistics and meaning of name Ndayisaba

Usage: 15% firstname, 85% surname.
Ndayisaba first name was found 7 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Ndayisaba is used at least 38 times in at least 11 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 恩达伊萨巴 (pinyin: ēn dá yī Sà bā)

      Surname Ndayisaba
Given names
Claudine Ndayisaba (2)
Djuma Ndayisaba (1)
Zacharie Ndayisaba (1)
Jean Ndayisaba (1)
Frida Ndayisaba (1)
Justin Ndayisaba (1)
Lydwine Ndayisaba (1)
Beatrice Ndayisaba (1)
Lea Ndayisaba (1)
Bonaventur Ndayisaba (1)
Bonaventure Ndayisaba (1)
Mike Ndayisaba (1)
Fatema Ndayisaba (1)
Ally Ndayisaba (1)
Rachel Ndayisaba (1)
Elysee Ndayisaba (1)
Cecile Ndayisaba (1)
Liliane Ndayisaba (1)
Laila Ndayisaba (1)
Ali Ndayisaba (1)

Given name Ndayisaba

Surname Ndayisaba in Norway   Surname Ndayisaba in USA   

Ndayisaba reversed is Abasiyadn
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Dynaasiba Iadyabsan Asabaynid Aabinsyda Iynabdasa
Misspells: Ndoyisaba Ndayissaba Ndayysaba Ndaiisaba Ndayjsaba Ndayesaba Ndayisabaa Nadyisaba Ndayisaab Ndayisbaa

Rhymes: Kaaba Orizaba

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Belgium Australia Europe Thailand Canada Sweden Korea Austria Spain South Africa France Greece


Famous people: Floribert Tambwe Ndayisaba

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