Statistics and meaning of name Neamti
We have no records about Neamti being used as firstname.
Surname Neamti is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Given names
Stefan Neamti (4) Gabriel Neamti (3) Ioan Neamti (3) Octavian Neamti (2) Petru Neamti (2) Maria Neamti (2) Lenuta Neamti (2) Daniel Neamti (2) Florin Neamti (1) Viorel Neamti (1) Gavrila Neamti (1) Mihaela Neamti (1) Leon Neamti (1) Ioana Neamti (1) Alexandru Neamti (1) |
Neamti reversed is Itmaen
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Enmait Eamint Nmatei Iemtan Anetmi Eanmit Miante Naetim Tminae Eantim
Misspells: Neomti Neamty Neamtj Neamte Neamtia Naemti Neamit Neatmi
Rhymes: meaty neatly needy ity meekly
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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