Statistics and meaning of name Negescu
We have no records about Negescu being used as firstname.
Surname Negescu is used at least 101 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 内杰斯库 (pinyin: nèi jié sī kù)
Given names
Gheorghe Negescu (7) Ioan Negescu (5) Ion Negescu (5) Constantin Negescu (5) Ioana Negescu (4) Doina Negescu (3) Ovidiu Negescu (3) Vasile Negescu (3) Vasilica Negescu (3) Marinel Negescu (2) Marin Negescu (2) Alexandru Negescu (2) Ana Negescu (2) Rodica Negescu (2) Teodor Negescu (2) Stela Negescu (2) Georgica Negescu (2) Pericle Negescu (2) Lucian Negescu (2) Florin Negescu (2) Elisabeta Negescu (2) Egizio Negescu (2) Dorel Negescu (1) Petre Negescu (1) Dumitru Negescu (1) Stan Negescu (1) Cristiana Negescu (1) Corneliu Negescu (1) Marietta Negescu (1) Cristian Negescu (1) Valeria Negescu (1) Ecaterina Negescu (1) Daniel Negescu (1) Mioara Negescu (1) Constantina Negescu (1) Emilian Negescu (1) Badea Negescu (1) Bogdan Negescu (1) Magdalena Negescu (1) Maria Negescu (1) Nicolae Negescu (1) Mihaela Negescu (1) Elena Negescu (1) Marian Negescu (1) Nicoleta Negescu (1) |
Negescu reversed is Ucsegen
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Esgecun Esenucg Neegusc Sugence Uengecs Ucesgen Cusnege Ecnuges
Misspells: Negesscu Negescua Ngeescu Negesuc Negecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue ingenue menu nephew venue
Meaning of name Negescu is: from the names [Neg] , [Neagu] plus the suffix '-escu' ; see also the toponymic name 'Negeşti'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Negescu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the names Neg , Neagu plus the suffix -escu ; see also the toponymic name Negeşti Comments: |
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