Statistics and meaning of name Ngaiza

We have no records about Ngaiza being used as firstname.
Surname Ngaiza is used at least 11 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Ngaiza
Given names
Joyce Ngaiza (1)
Gergory Ngaiza (1)

Surname Ngaiza in USA   

Ngaiza reversed is Aziagn
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Niazga Agizan Ganiaz Nagzai Zianag Ganzai
Misspells: Ngoiza Ngayza Ngajza Ngaeza Ngaizaa Nagiza Ngaiaz Ngazia

Rhymes: Eliza Giza Ibiza Liza geisha acacia gratia mesa aphasia

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Deodart Ngaiza says: The real meaning of the name NGAIZA in Haya tribe found in Kagera Region, Tanzania East Africa; Ngaiza is the ritual name given to a baby male who is born after twins either from the same mother or born by any family member. There is other names resembling to and working like Ngaiza for males; these are Rwiza, Kiiza and Kaiza. For female names are Nyamwiza and Nyamichwo. By Deodart. R. Ngaiza

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Writers: Magdalene K. Ngaiza

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