Statistics and meaning of name Niagwan
We have no records about Niagwan being used as firstname.
Surname Niagwan is used at least 14 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Harriette Niagwan (2) Cosmas Niagwan (2) Oumar Niagwan (1) Naanma Niagwan (1) Rachel Niagwan (1) John Niagwan (1) Helene Niagwan (1) Coz Niagwan (1) Akira Niagwan (1) Helen Niagwan (1) |
Niagwan reversed is Nawgain
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Naingaw Gwinnaa Niganwa Iangawn Wnagnai Ninagaw Naiwagn Gannaiw
Misspells: Niogwan Nyagwan Niagvvan Njagwan Neagwan Niagwana Naigwan Niagwna Niagawn
Rhymes: Antwan Aswan Iowan McGowan Saskatchewan Taiwan swan garcon pompon synchrotron chlorofluorocarbon
Meaning of this name is unknown.
lenaan Niagwan says: it means no rest
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