Statistics and meaning of name Nickerson

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Nickerson first name was found 596 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Nickerson is used at least 14817 times in at least 18 countries.
Gender of firstname Nickerson is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 尼克森 (pinyin: ní kè sēn)

      Surname Nickerson
Given names
David Nickerson (37)
Robert Nickerson (29)
James Nickerson (26)
Paul Nickerson (21)
John Nickerson (21)
Richard Nickerson (19)
Brian Nickerson (19)
William Nickerson (17)
Andrew Nickerson (17)
Wayne Nickerson (14)
George Nickerson (13)
Michael Nickerson (13)
Bruce Nickerson (13)
Donald Nickerson (13)
Kevin Nickerson (13)
Gary Nickerson (12)
Alan Nickerson (12)
Timothy Nickerson (11)
Kenneth Nickerson (11)
Mark Nickerson (10)
Anthony Nickerson (10)
Ann Nickerson (9)
Ronald Nickerson (9)
Warren Nickerson (9)
Douglas Nickerson (9)
Christopher Nickerson (9)
Joseph Nickerson (8)
Charles Nickerson (8)
Terry Nickerson (8)
Leslie Nickerson (8)
Ruth Nickerson (8)
Peter Nickerson (8)
Stephen Nickerson (8)
Thomas Nickerson (8)
Amy Nickerson (7)
Roger Nickerson (7)
Glenn Nickerson (7)
Russell Nickerson (7)
Austin Nickerson (7)
Malcolm Nickerson (7)
Jennifer Nickerson (7)
Lindsay Nickerson (7)
Greg Nickerson (7)
Bill Nickerson (7)
Susan Nickerson (7)
Nancy Nickerson (6)
Irene Nickerson (6)
Kathy Nickerson (6)
Gregory Nickerson (6)
Scott Nickerson (6)
Angela Nickerson (6)
Tracey Nickerson (6)
Joan Nickerson (6)
Wade Nickerson (6)
Larry Nickerson (6)
Adam Nickerson (6)
Donna Nickerson (6)
Rick Nickerson (6)
Randy Nickerson (5)
Corey Nickerson (5)
Walter Nickerson (5)
Jane Nickerson (5)
Patricia Nickerson (5)
Neil Nickerson (5)
Frank Nickerson (5)
Todd Nickerson (5)
Kirk Nickerson (5)
Lisa Nickerson (5)
Carl Nickerson (5)
Jason Nickerson (5)
Heather Nickerson (5)
Jerry Nickerson (5)
Herbert Nickerson (5)
Marie Nickerson (5)
Edward Nickerson (5)
Gordon Nickerson (5)
Cathy Nickerson (5)
Louise Nickerson (5)
Dawn Nickerson (5)
Mike Nickerson (5)
Ken Nickerson (5)
Pamela Nickerson (4)
Marshall Nickerson (4)
Eleanor Nickerson (4)
Harvey Nickerson (4)
Darlene Nickerson (4)
Lynn Nickerson (4)
Arthur Nickerson (4)
Joey Nickerson (4)
Edwin Nickerson (4)
Mary Nickerson (4)
Amanda Nickerson (4)
Cindy Nickerson (4)
Shirlene Nickerson (4)
Yvonne Nickerson (4)
Lloyd Nickerson (4)
Helen Nickerson (4)
Darren Nickerson (4)
Avery Nickerson (4)
Philip Nickerson (4)
Jonathan Nickerson (4)
Ray Nickerson (4)
Craig Nickerson (4)
Shirley Nickerson (4)
Wanda Nickerson (4)
Howard Nickerson (4)
Jackie Nickerson (4)
Stanley Nickerson (4)
Tony Nickerson (4)
Anna Nickerson (4)
Fred Nickerson (4)
Marilyn Nickerson (4)
Keith Nickerson (4)
Steve Nickerson (4)
Eric Nickerson (4)
Aaron Nickerson (4)
Troy Nickerson (4)
Tim Nickerson (4)
Lawrence Nickerson (4)
Annette Nickerson (4)
Jody Nickerson (4)
Curtis Nickerson (4)
Sherry Nickerson (4)
Janet Nickerson (4)
Clinton Nickerson (3)
Abbie Nickerson (3)
Raymond Nickerson (3)
Linda Nickerson (3)
Don Nickerson (3)
Eugene Nickerson (3)
Calvin Nickerson (3)
Michelle Nickerson (3)
Dorothy Nickerson (3)
Karl Nickerson (3)
Barbara Nickerson (3)
Matt Nickerson (3)
Mitchell Nickerson (3)
Alison Nickerson (3)
Graham Nickerson (3)
Andy Nickerson (3)
Andrea Nickerson (3)
Hugh Nickerson (3)
Nick Nickerson (3)
Francis Nickerson (3)
Ralph Nickerson (3)
Phillip Nickerson (3)
Jeff Nickerson (3)
Trevor Nickerson (3)
Stewart Nickerson (3)
Judy Nickerson (3)
Carolyn Nickerson (3)
Martin Nickerson (3)
Charlene Nickerson (3)
Owen Nickerson (3)
Dwayne Nickerson (3)
Daniel Nickerson (3)
Morris Nickerson (3)
Garth Nickerson (3)
Rebecca Nickerson (3)
Rose Nickerson (3)
Ron Nickerson (3)
Margaret Nickerson (3)
Nicholas Nickerson (3)
Cory Nickerson (3)
Reid Nickerson (3)
Sean Nickerson (3)
Wendy Nickerson (3)
Kent Nickerson (3)
Steven Nickerson (3)
Joel Nickerson (3)
Harry Nickerson (3)
Sandra Nickerson (3)
Emma Nickerson (3)
Marjorie Nickerson (3)
Amie Nickerson (3)
Robie Nickerson (3)
Gerald Nickerson (3)
Lorna Nickerson (3)
Kim Nickerson (3)
Hilda Nickerson (2)
Ida Nickerson (2)
Melissa Nickerson (2)
Joy Nickerson (2)
Kathleen Nickerson (2)
Matthew Nickerson (2)
Nicole Nickerson (2)
Edna Nickerson (2)
Beverly Nickerson (2)
Heidi Nickerson (2)
Marla Nickerson (2)
Cheryl Nickerson (2)
Jeremy Nickerson (2)
Meredith Nickerson (2)
Barry Nickerson (2)
Jerri Nickerson (2)
Jim Nickerson (2)
Barb Nickerson (2)
Janice Nickerson (2)
Benjamin Nickerson (2)
Muriel Nickerson (2)

Given name Nickerson
Family names
Nickerson Waters (1)

Surname Nickerson in USA   

Nickerson reversed is Nosrekcin
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Nickelson Nickerrson Nickersson Nyckerson Njckerson Neckerson Nickersona Ncikerson Nickersno Nickerosn

Rhymes: Anderson Dickerson Emerson Henderson Jefferson McPherson Paterson glycerin glycerine nitroglycerin nitroglycerine

Meaning of this name is unknown.

William Lloyd Nickerson says: Proud to be a Nickerson
David Nickerson says: Great to be a UK Nickerson - only 228 of us eh? I think I probably know most of them.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada United Kingdom Ireland Russian Federation Australia India Taiwan Romania Malaysia Thailand Germany Europe Denmark


Famous people: Thomas Gibson Nickerson, Eugene Hoffman Nickerson, Dave Nickerson

Writers: Ross Nickerson, Dorothy Nickerson, Christy Nickerson, Hoffman Nickerson, Randy Nickerson, Billeh Nickerson, Alex Nickerson, Camilla Nickerson, Joan Nickerson, Doyne Nickerson, Michael Nickerson, Barbara Nickerson, Duane Nickerson, Janna Nickerson, Mike Nickerson, Emma Nickerson, Fiona Nickerson, Rosie Nickerson, Susan Nickerson, MM Nickerson

Books: "Moses H. Nickerson"

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