Statistics and meaning of name Nieschlag

We have no records about Nieschlag being used as firstname.
Surname Nieschlag is used at least 22 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 尼施拉格 (pinyin: ní shī lā gé)

      Surname Nieschlag
Given names
Gunther Nieschlag (2)
Marianne Nieschlag (1)
Konrad Nieschlag (1)
Renate Nieschlag (1)
Volkmar Nieschlag (1)
Henrik Nieschlag (1)
Berit Nieschlag (1)
Wilhelm Nieschlag (1)
Inge Nieschlag (1)
Horst Nieschlag (1)
Albert Nieschlag (1)
Karen Nieschlag (1)
Christian Nieschlag (1)
Cosima Nieschlag (1)
Georg Nieschlag (1)
Erna Nieschlag (1)
Gerd Nieschlag (1)

Surname Nieschlag in Germany   

Nieschlag reversed is Galhcsein
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Cgislahen Niselgahc
Misspells: Nieschlog Niesschlag Nyeschlag Njeschlag Neeschlag Nieschlaga Neischlag Nieschlga Nieschalg

Rhymes: flag gulag lag slag geog kiug seadog evenmg

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Sweden Austria Chile Thailand Switzerland France


Famous people: Justus Nieschlag

Writers: Eberhard Nieschlag, Robert Nieschlag, Susan Nieschlag, E Nieschlag, E. Nieschlag, S. Nieschlag, E. Nieschlag H. M. Behre

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