Statistics and meaning of name Nissfolk
We have no records about Nissfolk being used as firstname.
Surname Nissfolk is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (Sweden,Finland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 尼斯福尔克 (pinyin: ní sī fú ěr kè)
Given names
Sven Nissfolk (2) Birger Nissfolk (2) Jarl Nissfolk (2) Mikael Nissfolk (1) Richard Nissfolk (1) Sirkka Nissfolk (1) Uno Nissfolk (1) Martin Nissfolk (1) Rickard Nissfolk (1) Helena Nissfolk (1) Carina Nissfolk (1) Berit Nissfolk (1) Eric Nissfolk (1) Eva Nissfolk (1) Harald Nissfolk (1) Anders Nissfolk (1) |
Nissfolk reversed is Klofssin
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.
Misspells: Nisssfolk Nyssfolk Njssfolk Nessfolk Nissfolka Nsisfolk Nissfokl Nissflok
Rhymes: townsfolk Norfolk Suffolk folk gentlefolk kinfolk menfolk kinsfolk
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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