Statistics and meaning of name Nkirote

Usage: 21% firstname, 79% surname.
Nkirote first name was found 17 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Kenya)
Surname Nkirote is used at least 62 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Nkirote
Given names
Linet Nkirote (3)
Oliver Nkirote (1)
Fiona Nkirote (1)

Nkirote reversed is Etorikn
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Nikerto Roikten Rokneti Kierton Eknirto Etkoirn Teonrik
Misspells: Nkilote Nkirrote Nkyrote Nkjrote Nkerote Nkirotea Nikrote Nkiroet Nkirtoe

Rhymes: garrote ghostwrote rewrote rote typewrote underwrote wrote zygote lifeboat guidepost rightmost signpost

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Nellisah says: Nkirote,,its a female name originating from the Ameru people in Kenya in Africa.A Person Named Nkirote is taken to as someone who is beautiful,loving.caring,wise,makes a good wife/fiancee/a friend, intelligent,hardworking,tough and doesnt entertain nonsense.She observes cleanliness.This Name is usualy found in christian families and a name given especially to firstbones in a family.It feels good to have Nkirote as a name.

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Writers: Christina Nkirote Mugambi

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