Statistics and meaning of name Nkundwa

We have no records about Nkundwa being used as firstname.
Surname Nkundwa is used at least 7 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Nkundwa
Given names
Marius Nkundwa (1)
Salvator Nkundwa (1)
Pierre Nkundwa (1)
Cynthia Nkundwa (1)

Nkundwa reversed is Awdnukn
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Ndukwan
Misspells: Nkundwo Nkundvva Nkundwaa Nukndwa Nkundaw Nkunwda

Rhymes: tundra rotunda kola bandanna caeca

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Steven Mpoha says: The name NKUNDWA means the beloved one. Name can be given to male and female children.In Zambia and Malawi it is mostly used as a first name

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