Statistics and meaning of name Noorine

Usage: 30% firstname, 70% surname.
Noorine first name was found 6 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Noorine is used at least 14 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Noorine
Given names
Ashya Noorine (2)
Aliya Noorine (1)

Given name Noorine
Family names
Noorine Noorkhan (1)

Surname Noorine in USA   

Noorine reversed is Eniroon
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Rioneno Eonorni Neinroo
Misspells: Nooline Noorrine Nooryne Noorjne Noorene Noorinea Noorien Noornie

Rhymes: Corine Florine chlorine fluorine Adeline Aline Alpine carinii nomine valine martini briny

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Noorine says: Noorine means 'lots of lights' in Arabic dumbo

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Morocco India Canada South Africa Albania Bangladesh

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or about the origins of this name?
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