Statistics and meaning of name Norna

Usage: 91% firstname, 9% surname.
Norna first name was found 167 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Norna is used at least 16 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 诺纳 (pinyin: nuò nà)

      Surname Norna
Given names
Naturterapi Norna (1)
Grace Norna (1)
Benjamin Norna (1)

Given name Norna
Family names
Norna Bergsten (1)
Norna Holmberg (1)
Norna Molin (1)
Norna Gamst (1)
Norna Yau (1)
Norna Mulhern (1)
Norna Laver (1)
Norna Pole (1)
Norna Victor (1)

Surname Norna in USA   

Norna reversed is Anron
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Noran Onnar Naron Anonr Nonar Nonra Ronan Nroan
Misspells: Norno Nolna Norrna Nornaa Nrona Noran Nonra

Rhymes: Lorna Annapurna Erna Myrna Verna sterna forma korma aorta aura fauna

Meaning of name Norna is: Old Norse ''norn'' = probably related to a word meaning 'to whisper something to someone'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation United Kingdom Sweden Germany Switzerland Hungary Romania Morocco Norway


Writers: Norna Jamieson

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