Statistics and meaning of name Numelin

We have no records about Numelin being used as firstname.
Surname Numelin is used at least 32 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 努梅林 (pinyin: nǔ méi lín)

      Surname Numelin
Given names
Dennis Numelin (2)
Jan Numelin (2)
Gustaf Numelin (1)
Henrik Numelin (1)
Irma Numelin (1)
Bengt Numelin (1)
Jesper Numelin (1)
Gitte Numelin (1)
Ina Numelin (1)
Janni Numelin (1)
Arne Numelin (1)
Richardt Numelin (1)

Surname Numelin in USA   

Numelin reversed is Nilemun
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Nmuneil Elmuinn Elunnim Umneiln Nunmeil Niulmen
Misspells: Numelyn Numeljn Numelen Numelina Nmuelin Numelni Numeiln

Rhymes: Michelin Zeppelin javelin zeppelin newsmen crewmen coonskin bruin tubulin

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Bengt Numelin says: I have heard that it origins from the village Nummela in Finland and there were a preast with the name Gabel that changed name to Nummelin which in a smaller group of people was misspelt as Numelin i.e. my fathers name is Numelin but his half brothers use the spelling Nummelin.
Murman says: Skånsk släkt

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