Statistics and meaning of name Nurith

Usage: 94% firstname, 6% surname.
Nurith first name was found 83 times in 13 different countries.
Surname Nurith is used at least 5 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Israel)
Gender of firstname Nurith is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Nurith
Family names
Nurith Crohn (1)
Nurith Isser (1)
Nurith Cohen (1)
Nurith Dreyfuss (1)
Nurith Decleva (1)
Nurith Yaari (1)
Nurith Fadlon (1)
Nurith Aviv (1)
Nurith Barkan (1)
Nurith Goldblatt (1)

Nurith reversed is Htirun
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Nirtuh Rnutih Urniht Nruthi
Misspells: Nulith Nurrith Nuryth Nurjth Nureth Nuritha Nruith Nuriht Nurtih

Rhymes: Hollerith Asquith Edith Faith Galbraith Goldsmith Griffith monolith writhed writhe myth forthwith

Meaning of this name is unknown.

David Moore says: Nurith, or Nurit, means "buttercup" in Hebrew. Source:

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Austria Switzerland Thailand Japan India Spain Australia Philippines Brazil Peru Italy United Kingdom France Canada Mauritius Mexico Sri Lanka Netherlands Europe


Famous people: Nurith Aviv, Nurith Gertz

Writers: Nurith Govrin, Nurith Zmora, Nurith Berstein, Nurith Gertz, Nurith Kenaan-Kedar

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