Statistics and meaning of name Nyabero

We have no records about Nyabero being used as firstname.
Surname Nyabero is used at least 7 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Nyabero

Surname Nyabero in USA   

Nyabero reversed is Orebayn
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Beynora Oynabre Roenbay
Misspells: Nyobero Nyabelo Nyaberro Niabero Nyaberoa Naybero Nyabeor Nyabreo

Rhymes: Cicero Guerrero Herero Nero Romero antihero bolero bracero sparrow antero taro narrow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Old Wiki
Location:Africa (Kenya)
Language:African (Kenyan)
Thematic:Unknown Thematic
Comments:NYABERO is a name among the BAGUSSI/GUSII tribe in KENYA, they come from Nyanza Province and are borded by the Luo kuria and masai communities.
The name means Hero (local hero) one who aftertheir cows were raided by the masai ERO nya went to reclaim them.
Its a name of a local omogusii hero who together with his two brothes faought 18 masai worroirs to reclaim their cattle.

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