Statistics and meaning of name Obiako

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Obiako first name was found 4 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Nigeria)
Surname Obiako is used at least 46 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Obiako
Given names
Michael Obiako (3)
Andrew Obiako (2)
Tina Obiako (1)
Dorothy Obiako (1)
Alexander Obiako (1)
Kingley Obiako (1)

Surname Obiako in USA   

Obiako reversed is Okaibo
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Obakio Iobkao Oibkoa Biokoa
Misspells: Obioko Obyako Objako Obeako Obiakoa Oibako Obiaok Obikao

Rhymes: Bamako morocco sirocco taco lago farrago

Meaning of this name is unknown.

JUSTIN OBIAKO says: To understand the name, let's break down the name to the two words it comprises of: 'obi' and 'ako'. Obi means heart, or a meeting place, very popular among the Igbo tribe of Nigeria. Then ,ako' means wisdom, sense, intelligence, etc. Furthermore, the name is fully Obiakolanwa. Obiako means "A sensible heart/mind," OR an intelligent heart; Nwa means child/children. Therefore Obiakolanwa means "let the house not lack children."

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