Statistics and meaning of name Occello

We have no records about Occello being used as firstname.
Surname Occello is used at least 44 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥切洛 (pinyin: ào qiē Luò)

      Surname Occello
Given names
Sergio Occello (3)
Raffaele Occello (2)
Domenica Occello (2)
Pasquale Occello (2)
Giancarlo Occello (2)
Francine Occello (1)
Gerard Occello (1)
Henri Occello (1)
Roger Occello (1)
Michel Occello (1)
Anna Occello (1)
Franca Occello (1)
Lia Occello (1)
Grazia Occello (1)
Massimo Occello (1)
Giuseppe Occello (1)
Giustina Occello (1)
Andre Occello (1)

Surname Occello in France   Surname Occello in Italy   

Occello reversed is Ollecco
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Occoell Elcoolc Ocecoll Ccoello Loceolc Ococell Loloecc
Misspells: Occelloa Occelol

Rhymes: Monticello Uccello cello violoncello Amarillo Apollo Brillo fellow yellow mellow bellow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Norway Saudi Arabia


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