Statistics and meaning of name Odaly

Usage: 42% firstname, 58% surname.
Odaly first name was found 82 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Odaly is used at least 110 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥达利 (pinyin: Aò dá lì)

      Surname Odaly
Given names
Rai Odaly (1)
Louise Odaly (1)
Ian Odaly (1)
Elizabeth Odaly (1)

Given name Odaly

Surname Odaly in USA   

Odaly reversed is Ylado
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Odayl Lyado Yodla Odlya Odlay Ydalo Adlyo Oadyl
Misspells: Odoly Odali Odalya Oadly Odayl Odlay

Rhymes: Kodaly Italy Thessaly anomaly mealy scaly daily bailey palely gaily

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand New Zealand Taiwan Mexico


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