Statistics and meaning of name Odhran

Odhran first name was found 20 times in 6 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Odhran.
Origin of this name is Irish.
Gender of firstname Odhran is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.


Given name Odhran
Family names
Odhran Mcalinden (2)
Odhran Darrath (1)
Odhran Tohill (1)
Odhran Delanty (1)
Odhran Stockman (1)
Odhran Fortune (1)
Odhran Mccrory (1)
Odhran Leyden (1)
Odhran Lenaghan (1)
Odhran Lungan (1)
Odhran Creegan (1)
Odhran Shelley (1)

Odhran reversed is Narhdo
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Orhadn Hodarn Dhorna Ohdanr Arnohd Dhoanr
Misspells: Odhron Odhlan Odhrran Odhrana Ohdran Odhrna Odharn

Rhymes: Cochran Tehran Aldebaran Bran Duran Ecuadoran open ocean shouldn omen olden

Meaning of name Odhran is: Irish Gaelic name composed of the word odhar "dun; pale green; sallow" and a diminutive suffix, hence "little sallow one."
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