Statistics and meaning of name Oei

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Oei first name was found 72 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Oei is used at least 957 times in at least 17 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 黄 (pinyin: huáng)

      Surname Oei
Given names
Khing Oei (2)
Thomas Oei (2)
Karen Oei (2)
Robert Oei (2)
Romli Oei (1)
Oliver Oei (1)
Nicola Oei (1)
Sandy Oei (1)
Roland Oei (1)
Hans Oei (1)
Rhoda Oei (1)
Leon Oei (1)
Brigitte Oei (1)
Beng Oei (1)
Andrey Oei (1)
Elizabeth Oei (1)
Chris Oei (1)
Roger Oei (1)
Ien Oei (1)
Angela Oei (1)
Cooney Oei (1)
Dianne Oei (1)
Tjong Oei (1)
Christian Oei (1)
Audrey Oei (1)
Andry Oei (1)
Andre Oei (1)
Rafael Oei (1)

Given name Oei

Surname Oei in Germany   Surname Oei in Netherlands   Surname Oei in USA   

Oei reversed is Ieo
Name contains 3 letters - 100.00% vowels and 0.00% consonants.

Misspells: Oey Oej Oee Oeia Oie Eoi

Rhymes: o au oh owe aux

Meaning of this name is unknown.

oei says: Oei is yellow as pronnounc by the chawan hokkien dialect. Dutch oei, French Spanish uy, English Penang Ooi, English Singapore Wee, Malaysia use both, Name is Huang in Mandarin and even Korean, Cantonese mostly in Hong Kong but worldwide Wong. Originate from Lu in Shandong.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Netherlands Singapore Hong Kong Indonesia Canada Australia Brazil Hungary Japan United Kingdom Ukraine Switzerland Turkey Austria India Europe


Famous people: Oei Tiong Ham, Pam Oei

Writers: Rafael Oei, Peter Oei, Cynthia Oei, Loan Oei, Anthony Oei, Tian P. S. Oei, Thomas Paulus Tjoe Tat Oei

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