Statistics and meaning of name Olday

We have no records about Olday being used as firstname.
Surname Olday is used at least 66 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Olday
Given names
Susan Olday (1)
Stanley Olday (1)
Patrick Olday (1)
Patricia Olday (1)

Surname Olday in USA   

Olday reversed is Yadlo
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Oldya Aydlo Yolad Olayd Olady Yldao Odlya
Misspells: Oldoy Oldai Oldaya Odlay Oldya Olady

Rhymes: Domesday Doubleday Faraday Friday Holiday Monday Saturday tollway roadway folkway ponce motorway

Meaning of this name is unknown.

patrick olday says: i got told that the name Olday came from German origins or more to the point a german with bad hand writing?? after the first world war "A" family left Germany, their name was OLDAG. in those "days" signing up for a few days work was oommon and you would get by/re-hired by reputation of your name get first in line for the next, "A" Mr OLDAG was always first in line, with the out break of the 2nd world war any German name was put to the end of the list, as Mr "A" had such bad hand writing his G looked more like a Y thus taking away the German "ish". So Mr "A" swapped the G for a Y and hence had a full working career without any hindrance.

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Writers: John Olday

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