Statistics and meaning of name Olifant

We have no records about Olifant being used as firstname.
Surname Olifant is used at least 60 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥利方 (pinyin: ào lì fāng)

      Surname Olifant
Given names
Marguerite Olifant (2)
Claude Olifant (2)
Matthieu Olifant (1)
Michel Olifant (1)
Pierre Olifant (1)
Julien Olifant (1)
Jacques Olifant (1)
Joel Olifant (1)
Bruno Olifant (1)
Charles Olifant (1)
Herve Olifant (1)
Jean Olifant (1)
Faith Olifant (1)

Surname Olifant in France   Surname Olifant in USA   

Olifant reversed is Tnafilo
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Falotni Olfitan Atifonl Tloifna Ntaofil Fnotila
Misspells: Olifont Olyfant Oljfant Olefant Olifanta Oilfant Olifatn Olifnat

Rhymes: bouffant infant Brant Bryant Dunant Durant Grant plant grant cant chant implant

Meaning of name Olifant is: An elephant.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States South Africa France Netherlands Belgium Ireland Iceland United Kingdom Norway Thailand Denmark Finland India Montenegro Brazil


Books: "Liewe land, 'n Olifant: Afrikaans"

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