Statistics and meaning of name Oliffe
We have no records about Oliffe being used as firstname.
Surname Oliffe is used at least 36 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥利夫 (pinyin: ào lì fū)
Given names
Clare Oliffe (3) Sherelle Oliffe (2) Michelle Oliffe (2) Tina Oliffe (2) David Oliffe (2) Madeline Oliffe (1) Nacaisha Oliffe (1) Marjorie Oliffe (1) Stephen Oliffe (1) Tracey Oliffe (1) Lisa Oliffe (1) Ronald Oliffe (1) Lawrence Oliffe (1) Gemma Oliffe (1) Franca Oliffe (1) Edward Oliffe (1) Colin Oliffe (1) Graham Oliffe (1) Harry Oliffe (1) Andrew Oliffe (1) Karen Oliffe (1) Jonathan Oliffe (1) Leearna Oliffe (1) |
Oliffe reversed is Effilo
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Lofief Lifeof Ofifle Liofef Oilfef
Misspells: Olyffe Oljffe Oleffe Oliffea Oilffe Olifef
Rhymes: Radcliffe Wycliffe Luftwaffe OKeeffe polish abolish demolish
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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