Statistics and meaning of name Oneida
Usage: 92% firstname, 8% surname.
Oneida first name was found 2792 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Oneida is used at least 232 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Native American.
Gender of firstname Oneida is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥内塔 (pinyin: Aò nèi tǎ)
Family names Oneida Cabrera (2) Oneida Perez (2) Oneida Mencia (1) Oneida Esquivel (1) Oneida Hung (1) Oneida Gutierrez (1) Oneida Rodriguez (1) Oneida Sanchez (1) Oneida Pernalete (1) Oneida Bisset (1) Oneida Lachin (1) Oneida Correa (1) Oneida Hernandez (1) Oneida Martin (1) Oneida Matamoros (1) Oneida Ortega (1) Oneida Santuccione (1) Oneida Flores (1) Oneida Laurini (1) Oneida Cruz (1) Oneida Caicedo (1) Oneida Porras (1) Oneida Navarro (1) Oneida Diaz (1) Oneida Carlos (1) Oneida Villegas (1) Oneida Gomez (1) Oneida Ferreras (1) |
Oneida reversed is Adieno
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Anideo Eondia Oendai Neodai
Misspells: Oneido Oneyda Onejda Oneeda Oneidaa Oenida Oneiad Onedia
Rhymes: Freida Aida Derrida Florida Lollobrigida vida vita vitae arborvitae mica
Meaning of name Oneida is: The people of the stone
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