Statistics and meaning of name Operiol

We have no records about Operiol being used as firstname.
Surname Operiol is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)

Given names
Christianne Operiol (2)
Madeleine Operiol (1)
Valerie Operiol (1)
Jean Operiol (1)
Odile Operiol (1)
Claude Operiol (1)
Georges Operiol (1)
Aurelie Operiol (1)
Luc Operiol (1)

Surname Operiol in France   

Operiol reversed is Loirepo
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Riepolo Ripoloe Oprelio Ileroop Lpoeroi Lopiero Oliorep Roolepi
Misspells: Opeliol Operriol Operyol Operjol Opereol Operiola Oepriol Operilo Operoil

Rhymes: vitriol viol

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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