Statistics and meaning of name Oroviceanu
We have no records about Oroviceanu being used as firstname.
Surname Oroviceanu is used at least 54 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥罗维恰努 (pinyin: ào luō wéi qià nǔ)
Given names
Florea Oroviceanu (4) Gheorghe Oroviceanu (4) George Oroviceanu (3) Jeni Oroviceanu (3) Adrian Oroviceanu (2) Lucretia Oroviceanu (2) Marin Oroviceanu (2) Mirela Oroviceanu (2) Victor Oroviceanu (2) Lidia Oroviceanu (2) Adriana Oroviceanu (2) Constantin Oroviceanu (2) Valerica Oroviceanu (1) Valeriu Oroviceanu (1) Venela Oroviceanu (1) Steluta Oroviceanu (1) Victoria Oroviceanu (1) Lucica Oroviceanu (1) Constanta Oroviceanu (1) Elena Oroviceanu (1) Gabriel Oroviceanu (1) Mihaela Oroviceanu (1) Sergiu Oroviceanu (1) |
Oroviceanu reversed is Unaecivoro
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Uvnooricae
Misspells: Oroviceonu Oloviceanu Orroviceanu Orovyceanu Orobiceanu Orovjceanu Oroveceanu Oroviceanua Oorviceanu Oroviceaun Orovicenau
Rhymes: ordinatu ornamentu coritinue porcelaiu
Meaning of name Oroviceanu is: from the toponymic name 'Oreviţa' plus the toponymic suffix '-eanu'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Oroviceanu Language: Romanian Meaning: from the toponymic name Oreviţa plus the toponymic suffix -eanu Comments: |
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