Statistics and meaning of name Orvil
Usage: 92% firstname, 8% surname.
Orvil first name was found 930 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Orvil is used at least 79 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is French.
Gender of firstname Orvil is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥维尔 (pinyin: ào wéi ěr)
Family names Orvil Smith (2) Orvil Walkes (2) Orvil Anderson (2) Orvil Mulligan (1) Orvil Corbin (1) Orvil Simard (1) Orvil Chatterton (1) Orvil Dwyer (1) Orvil Mything (1) Orvil Duguay (1) Orvil Schill (1) Orvil Monsch (1) Orvil Khanin (1) Orvil Hausler (1) Orvil Frey (1) Orvil Knapp (1) Orvil Albertsen (1) Orvil Riley (1) Orvil Goulah (1) Orvil McCullough (1) Orvil Myers (1) Orvil Lilke (1) Orvil Bloomingdale (1) Orvil Sauder (1) Orvil Ferguson (1) Orvil Baker (1) Orvil Burke (1) Orvil Jordan (1) Orvil Olsen (1) Orvil Gibbons (1) Orvil Dillenbeck (1) Orvil Hammond (1) Orvil Rowe (1) Orvil Draisey (1) |
Orvil reversed is Livro
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Riolv Loriv Orilv Orivl Vrilo
Misspells: Olvil Orrvil Orvyl Orbil Orvjl Orvel Orvila Ovril Orvli Orivl
Rhymes: chervil Advil anvil bedevil cavil civil dorsal morsel oral aural moral
Meaning of name Orvil is: Gold town
This page has been visited from the following countries:
Famous people: Orvil Eugene Dryfoos, Ernst Orvil, Clarence Orohrelle Dodd
Writers: Orville Goldner, Orville Pierson, Ernst Orvil, Orville Dewey, Orville Aimey, Orville Brown, Oliver Orville, Orvil Dodge, Orville Wyss, Orvill Adams, Orville Redenbacher, Orville Moody, Orville Lee, Orville Keon, Orville Palmer, Orville Endicott, Orville Lindquist, ORVILLE TAYLOR, Orville Schell, Orville Wright
Books: "Orville's outing" "Orvilles Heimkehr." "Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn book"
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