Statistics and meaning of name Osley

Usage: 14% firstname, 86% surname.
Osley first name was found 74 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Osley is used at least 430 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Osley
Given names
Christopher Osley (2)
Kym Osley (1)
Richard Osley (1)
Sian Osley (1)
Julian Osley (1)
Debra Osley (1)
Anthony Osley (1)
Catherine Osley (1)
Jay Osley (1)
Jacqueline Osley (1)

Given name Osley
Family names
Osley Sybliss (1)

Surname Osley in USA   

Osley reversed is Yelso
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Oslye Eylso Yosel Oseyl Osely Ysleo Olsye
Misspells: Ossley Oslei Osleya Olsey Oslye Osely

Rhymes: Beardsley Beasley Hensley Lesley Mosley Presley Wesley crossly awfully suavely oddly army

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Baldomero says: Nacido en Mexico 1956

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Russian Federation Germany Netherlands Thailand South Africa Brazil


Writers: Julian Osley, Anthony Osley, A. S. Osley

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