Statistics and meaning of name Otetea

We have no records about Otetea being used as firstname.
Surname Otetea is used at least 45 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Otetea
Given names
Coman Otetea (4)
Ioan Otetea (4)
Maria Otetea (3)
Florin Otetea (2)
Gheorghe Otetea (2)
Toader Otetea (2)
Constantin Otetea (2)
Alexandru Otetea (2)
Andrei Otetea (2)
Viorel Otetea (1)
Mircea Otetea (1)
Gabriel Otetea (1)
Valentin Otetea (1)
Adrian Otetea (1)
Ionica Otetea (1)
Elena Otetea (1)
Andreea Otetea (1)
Adriana Otetea (1)
Janica Otetea (1)
Lenuta Otetea (1)
Lucia Otetea (1)

Otetea reversed is Aeteto
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Oteeta Eoteta Teotae Oeteat
Misspells: Oteteo Oteteaa Oettea Otetae Oteeta

Rhymes: Galatea tea podia idea diarrhea diarrhoea dia

Meaning of name Otetea is: from the word 'oţet' = 'vinegar' plus the suffix '-ea'; Oţetea
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Old Wiki
Name: Otetea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word oţet = vinegar plus the suffix -ea
Comments: Oţetea

Writers: Andrei Otetea

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