Statistics and meaning of name Ovono

Usage: 19% firstname, 81% surname.
Ovono first name was found 4 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Ovono is used at least 17 times in at least 7 countries.
Gender of firstname Ovono is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 奥沃诺 (pinyin: ào wò nuò)

      Surname Ovono
Given names
Armel Ovono (1)
Ivanka Ovono (1)
Celine Ovono (1)
Virginie Ovono (1)
Daniel Ovono (1)
Derille Ovono (1)
Irene Ovono (1)

Given name Ovono
Family names
Ovono Masie (1)
Ovono Menie (1)
Ovono Ono (1)
Ovono Aslain (1)

Surname Ovono in France   

Ovono reversed is Onovo
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ovoon Noovo Oovno Ovnoo Oovon
Misspells: Obono Ovonoa Oovno Ovoon Ovnoo

Rhymes: Pocono kimono mono snow overthrow overflow chateau hello

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Hungary South Africa Thailand Belgium Russian Federation Chile Sweden United Kingdom Bosnia and Herzegovina


Famous people: Didier Janvier Ovono Ebang, Felipe Ovono Ovono Mbang, Sylvain Alex Ovono

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or about the origins of this name?
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