Statistics and meaning of name Owtram

We have no records about Owtram being used as firstname.
Surname Owtram is used at least 13 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Owtram
Given names
Katherine Owtram (1)
Merewyn Owtram (1)
Seona Owtram (1)
Thomas Owtram (1)
Jocelyn Owtram (1)
Geraldine Owtram (1)
Francis Owtram (1)
Gabreille Owtram (1)
Gabrielle Owtram (1)
Corinne Owtram (1)

Owtram reversed is Martwo
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Ortawm Towarm Wtorma Otwamr Armotw Wtoamr
Misspells: Owtrom Owtlam Owtrram Ovvtram Owtrama Otwram Owtrma Owtarm

Rhymes: Bertram tram Abram Hiram Ingram Seagram ovum totem oakum poem modem

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: Peter Owtram, Francis Owtram

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