Statistics and meaning of name Pacuret

We have no records about Pacuret being used as firstname.
Surname Pacuret is used at least 35 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Pacuret (6)
Maria Pacuret (5)
Teodor Pacuret (4)
Constantin Pacuret (2)
Dumitru Pacuret (2)
Costica Pacuret (2)
Zoita Pacuret (2)
Tinca Pacuret (2)
Victor Pacuret (1)
Mihai Pacuret (1)
Ecaterina Pacuret (1)
Ion Pacuret (1)
Moisica Pacuret (1)

Pacuret reversed is Terucap
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Pcatuer Urcaetp Uraptec Actuerp Tapcuer Tearcup
Misspells: Pocuret Paculet Pacurret Pacureta Pcauret Pacurte Pacuert

Rhymes: Bret Maigret Margaret Margret Poiret beret cabaret puree pleurae portray microarray takeaway

Meaning of name Pacuret is: from the word 'păcură' = 'black oil' or from the word 'păcurar' = 'shepherd' plus the suffix '-eţ' ; see also the toponymic name 'Păcureţi' , 'Păcurăreţul'; Păcureţ
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Old Wiki
Name: Pacuret
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word păcură = black oil or from the word păcurar = shepherd plus the suffix -eţ ; see also the toponymic name Păcureţi , Păcurăreţul
Comments: Păcureţ

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