Statistics and meaning of name Padureleanu

We have no records about Padureleanu being used as firstname.
Surname Padureleanu is used at least 9 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Soimu Padureleanu (2)
Liliana Padureleanu (2)
Mihaela Padureleanu (2)
Mariea Padureleanu (2)
Nicolae Padureleanu (1)

Padureleanu reversed is Unaelerudap
Name contains 11 letters - 54.55% vowels and 45.45% consonants.

Anagrams: Adnepruulae Rdeunaupael
Misspells: Podureleanu Paduleleanu Padurreleanu Padureleanua Pdaureleanu Padureleaun Padurelenau

Rhymes: lulu ulu guru voulu hukou

Meaning of name Padureleanu is: the same as [Padureanu]; Pădureleanu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand Romania

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Old Wiki
Name: Padureleanu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Padureanu
Comments: Pădureleanu

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