Statistics and meaning of name Palatiello

We have no records about Palatiello being used as firstname.
Surname Palatiello is used at least 41 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 帕拉蒂耶洛 (pinyin: pà lā dì yé Luò)

      Surname Palatiello
Given names
Corrado Palatiello (2)
Raffaele Palatiello (1)
Nicola Palatiello (1)
Rosa Palatiello (1)
Stefano Palatiello (1)
Michael Palatiello (1)
Marisa Palatiello (1)
Antonio Palatiello (1)
Carmine Palatiello (1)
Luca Palatiello (1)
Ada Palatiello (1)

Surname Palatiello in Italy   Surname Palatiello in USA   

Palatiello reversed is Olleitalap
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Atapeiloll Telapiloal Letpalaloi Liatoplale Illelpaato
Misspells: Polatiello Palatyello Palatjello Palateello Palatielloa Plaatiello Palatielol

Rhymes: Costello Donatello Monticello Othello Pirandello Uccello bordello playfellow tangelo fellow yellow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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