Statistics and meaning of name Pallancher

We have no records about Pallancher being used as firstname.
Surname Pallancher is used at least 21 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 帕朗谢 (pinyin: pà lǎng xiè)

Given names
Louis Pallancher (2)
Frederic Pallancher (2)
Alain Pallancher (1)
Rene Pallancher (1)
Thierry Pallancher (1)
Gautier Pallancher (1)
Ossiris Pallancher (1)
Sandra Pallancher (1)
Renaud Pallancher (1)
Laura Pallancher (1)
Isabelle Pallancher (1)
Marc Pallancher (1)
Jerome Pallancher (1)
Valerie Pallancher (1)
Vincent Pallancher (1)
Gerard Pallancher (1)
Christine Pallancher (1)
Julie Pallancher (1)

Surname Pallancher in France   

Pallancher reversed is Rehcnallap
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Pollancher Pallanchel Pallancherr Pallanchera Plalancher Pallanchre Pallancehr

Rhymes: clincher cowpuncher cruncher launcher rancher stancher stauncher plunder blunder plunger asunder wonder

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Alain PALLANCHER says: La signification exacte du nom propre PALLANCHER provient du balancier en bois dénommé "PALANCHE" lequel servait aux porteurs d'eau pour équilibrer le poids de leurs deux seaux d'eau.
pallancher says: oui ALAIN a raison
PALLANCHER says: PALLANCHER avec deux L comme un ange et un R comme requin à la fin ...

This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Colombia Europe Netherlands


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