Statistics and meaning of name Papazu

We have no records about Papazu being used as firstname.
Surname Papazu is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Denmark)
Origin of this name is Greek.

Given names
Tanase Papazu (3)
Mihai Papazu (2)
Irina Papazu (2)
Alexandru Papazu (2)
Maria Papazu (2)
Constanta Papazu (2)
Dumitru Papazu (2)
Aurel Papazu (1)
Nicolae Papazu (1)
Eugenia Papazu (1)
Sirma Papazu (1)

Papazu reversed is Uzapap
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Apapuz Apaupz Papzau Ppazau Appauz Ppazua Zauppa
Misspells: Popazu Papazua Ppaazu Papauz Papzau

Rhymes: jujutsu cuckoo kudzu gumshoe thumbscrew

Meaning of name Papazu is: from the Greek names [Papazoi] , [Papazois] ; see also the name [Papazoglu]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Denmark Germany Greece Romania


Old Wiki
Name: Papazu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Greek
Meaning: from the Greek names Papazoi , Papazois ; see also the name Papazoglu

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