Statistics and meaning of name Parge

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Parge first name was found 9 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Australia)
Surname Parge is used at least 121 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Parge
Given names
Klaus Parge (3)
Wolfram Parge (2)
Teodor Parge (2)
Frauke Parge (2)
Julian Parge (2)
Valentin Parge (2)
Maria Parge (2)
Gerhard Parge (2)
Ioan Parge (2)
Lazar Parge (2)
Matthias Parge (1)
Manfred Parge (1)
Maik Parge (1)
Peter Parge (1)
Manuela Parge (1)
Renate Parge (1)
Uwe Parge (1)
Wolfgang Parge (1)
Ursula Parge (1)
Theresia Parge (1)
Ingeborg Parge (1)
Roger Parge (1)
Petra Parge (1)
Brigitte Parge (1)
Raluca Parge (1)
Vasile Parge (1)
Petru Parge (1)
Felicia Parge (1)
Ecaterina Parge (1)
Viorel Parge (1)
Javier Parge (1)
Ernst Parge (1)
Gerda Parge (1)
Alexandru Parge (1)
Aly Parge (1)
Sara Parge (1)
Holger Parge (1)

Surname Parge in Germany   Surname Parge in USA   

Parge reversed is Egrap
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Pareg Agper Gerap Epagr Pager Pagre Ragep Praeg
Misspells: Porge Palge Parrge Pargea Prage Pareg Pagre

Rhymes: Marge barge charge discharge enlarge large overcharge marge sarge

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Frank PARGE says: I am 11th generation decendant in unbroken lineage of Jochim Pargow (*1660) whose surname was related to a historic field-name ("PARGOW") South of Greifenhagen (Pomerania)from where his Great-great-Grandfather had migrated to Heinrichsdorf (Southern Pomerania) to farm on uncultivated land as a freeman farmer (Asmus ...) who was always called "the man from Pargow" and finally took this title on as his family name. Within 3 further Generations the name had changed to Pargoen, Pargo, and consolidated in the church registers to PARGE by 1700 for all 4 Family Branches which have about 500 living members at present worldwide. As a member of the "Teacher-Line, (5 generations with 11 candidates of village school teachers) I am one of the genalogic keyholders of the Family History and working at present at the integration of generation 12,13,14 into the worldwide PARGE-Network and family history extrapolation. If you have any further questions or want to contribute, feel free to contact me via
Frank PARGE says: Please add following Domain as registered and active:

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States United Kingdom India Romania Australia Ireland Italy Brunei Darussalam Armenia


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