Statistics and meaning of name Paves

We have no records about Paves being used as firstname.
Surname Paves is used at least 84 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Paves
Given names
Maria Paves (4)
Jose Paves (3)
Leovigildo Paves (2)
Michel Paves (2)
Enrique Paves (1)
Fernando Paves (1)
Carmen Paves (1)
Asuncion Paves (1)
Irwing Paves (1)
Lorette Paves (1)
Marvin Paves (1)
Steve Paves (1)
Antonio Paves (1)

Surname Paves in France   Surname Paves in USA   

Paves reversed is Sevap
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Pavse Esvap Spaev Paesv Paevs Savep Vaesp Pvase
Misspells: Poves Pavess Pabes Pavesa Pvaes Pavse Paevs

Rhymes: Graves Hargreaves aftershaves airwaves behaves bereaves braves waves caves saves staves

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Malta France Brazil


Writers: Ken Paves, Gonzalo M. Paves

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