Statistics and meaning of name Pawtel

We have no records about Pawtel being used as firstname.
Surname Pawtel is used at least 28 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Pawtel
Given names
Aleksander Pawtel (2)
Marek Pawtel (2)
Helena Pawtel (2)
Krystyna Pawtel (2)
Teresa Pawtel (1)
Jacek Pawtel (1)
Waclaw Pawtel (1)
Czeslawa Pawtel (1)
Jadwiga Pawtel (1)
Irena Pawtel (1)
Lycyna Pawtel (1)
Bonifacy Pawtel (1)
Danuta Pawtel (1)
Waldemar Pawtel (1)
Janina Pawtel (1)
Alicja Pawtel (1)
Andrzej Pawtel (1)
Marcin Pawtel (1)
Cecylia Pawtel (1)
Franciszek Pawtel (1)

Surname Pawtel in Poland   

Pawtel reversed is Letwap
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Latewp Wpaetl Pwaelt Awpelt
Misspells: Powtel Pavvtel Pawtela Pwatel Pawtle Pawetl

Rhymes: Bechtel Gretel Intel Martel Mattel Patel cartel hotel motel tell del bell

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Poland United States Sweden Germany


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