Statistics and meaning of name Pazikas

We have no records about Pazikas being used as firstname.
Surname Pazikas is used at least 23 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Pazikas
Given names
Stephen Pazikas (3)
John Pazikas (2)
Catherine Pazikas (2)
Martha Pazikas (1)
Nina Pazikas (1)
Marian Pazikas (1)
Margaret Pazikas (1)
David Pazikas (1)
Dominique Pazikas (1)
Andrew Pazikas (1)
Craig Pazikas (1)

Pazikas reversed is Sakizap
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Pzasiak Ikzaasp Ikapsaz Azsiakp Sapziak Saakzip
Misspells: Pozikas Pazikass Pazykas Pazjkas Pazekas Pazikasa Pzaikas Paziksa Paziaks

Rhymes: balalaikas swastikas troikas babushkas bazookas eurekas positions decisions officials provisions divisions

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Eduardo Pazikas says: Pazikas comes from the medieval baltics and the name refers to an old title of a loyal servent to the King, that is more known today as "the jocker" .

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