Statistics and meaning of name Pefaur

We have no records about Pefaur being used as firstname.
Surname Pefaur is used at least 53 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Pefaur

Surname Pefaur in USA   

Pefaur reversed is Ruafep
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Epafru Efarpu Pafuer Efparu Pfeura Efpura
Misspells: Pefour Pefaul Pefaurr Pefaura Pfeaur Pefaru Pefuar

Rhymes: Minotaur brontosaur centaur dinosaur tyrannosaur for before four shore ashore

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Lois pefaur says: I traced Pefaur's to oloron St. Marie in France, although there is a Pefaur in. Northern Spain, along the coast.
Lois pefaur says: The name PEFAUR originates in the Oloron/St. Marie area of France, which is part of the Basques territories in southern France. The pefaurs emigrated to S.America around 1830-1860.
Lois pefaur says: The name PEFAUR originates in the Oloron/St. Marie area of France, which is part of the Basques territories in southern France. The pefaurs emigrated to S.America around 1830-1860.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Chile Ireland


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